
Frequently Asked Questions
My cinema has more than one location. How would my KICS web site cater for more than one cinema location?
A KICS web site puts all your cinema information into one central databse and then feeds relevant information to your visitors.

Cinemas can be grouped together by geographic location and share information, or remain individual, depending on whether it is beneficial to display information for many cinemas or just one at a time. Upon entry to your web site a customer will choose their preferred location.

This means that each cinema's content, including session times, now showing and coming soon movie lists and others are presented based on the customer's chosen location.
My cinema is a small cinema with a single screen. Is a KICS web site solution viable for a cinema of this size?
Of course! Your KICS web site works on a pay-as-you-use approach. Small cinemas generate less web site traffic and utilise fewer resources than larger cinemas. Cinema will also have fewer email subscribers resulting in a cheaper weekly running cost of your web site.

Kinesis has developed systems and pricing policies to ensure that even a single screen cinema can have a professional quality web site.

Cinema will also have fewer email subscribers resulting in a cheaper weekly running cost of your web site.
Can you provide Internet Ticketing?
Your KICS web site is capable of providing Internet Ticketing, with some conditions. Many factors determine the viability of Internet Ticketing for your cinema. For more information regarding Internet Ticketing, please see our online ticketing page.
What Point of Sale (Ticketing Systems) do you support?
For the fastest implementation Kinesis supports Showcase, Venue, Vista, MGS Ticketing and Haxlen point of sale systems. Other point of sale systems may be supported and are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for further discussion.
I have a growing member base, can i transfer them to my new web site for marketing purposes?
Your KICS web site provides great marketing opportunities for your cinema. We can import your existing membership database to your web site providing your members with up-to-date information, a weekly newsletter, custom emails, competitions, discount offers and more.
A friend of a friend thinks that they can do my web site for a cheap price. Why should I consider Kinesis over my friend's friend?
There are many reasons why a KICS web site is the best solution.

Your KICS web site minimises update time which, in the long term, saves you money. Kinesis provides support for the life of your web site. Kinesis has proven experience in developing web sites for cinemas and provides far better reliability and overall quality than alternatives.

Take a look at our Comparion Table for more information. 
We only recently commissioned a web site development, can you upgrade our existing site to a KICS web site?
In most cases we can utilise parts of your existing site design when developing your new time-saving web site.
Will the web site work in different web browsers and operating systems?
Our web sites are developed to display correctly in all major web browsers, for Windows, Mac and Linux. We adhere to many W3C guidelines and employ well-formed CSS stylesheets to aid our designs. Unlike some web development companies, Kinesis chooses to develop using proven, widely accepted technologies to provide a quality web site to all customers regardless of their Internet capability.
Does Kinesis take different accessibility options into consideration when creating a web site?
All of our web sites are developed to with accessibility in mind. Our websites are designed to be run on a regular PC or Mac, and have different versions for mobile phones. Customers with accessibility issues may find our mobile website version easy to navigate.
You say you offer support for the life of the web site. Are there any hidden extra support charges?
Support is provided as part of your ongoing maintenance fees. These fees are in presented in plain language and any costs involved are clearly noted in your quotation.
I don't have a web site at the moment. Why should I bother investing in one?
A web site can help your cinema in a number of ways. Firstly, you can save money with a reduction in phone enquiries by providing an information source that is available 24 hours a day to your customers. You can save money by advertising in less detail in the circular press - the same information is available for very little cost on your web site. In conjunction with your web site you can increase partonage through intelligent use of email and membership programs. There are many more reasons to have a great web site, if you would like to talk to Kinesis about it, please contact us.  
How long will the web site last? Will i need to make another one in 12 months time?
Every KICS web site is developed around a 24 month agreement. A little regular maintenance keeps your web site running efficiently. You can continue using your KICS web site after the 24 month contract period or alternatively your web site design can be refreshed after 24 months for a discounted price.
Where are Kinesis located?
Kinesis are located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. For more information please see our contact page.
How long has Kinesis been operating?
Kinesis commenced business in late 2001.

Learn more about Kinesis at our About Us page.
How reliable is your specialised hosting service? Do you guarantee reliability?
Kinesis has partnered with a top hosting company to provide a fast and reliable hosting service. You can be assured of reliability in excess of 99% on a month to month basis with fast speeds and very little downtime.
Do you provide email services?
Kinesis provides standard email services such as webmail and POP3 when you purchase a KICS web site. This is optional - you can continue to use any other email provider should you choose to.
I don't know much about the Internet, could I administer a Kinesis web site?
If you are able to read this page on your web browser you are able to administer a KICS web site! Kinesis will provide yourself and your staff with complete training to help you get the most out of your web solution.
I would like more information about Kinesis and what they can do for me. What happens next?
That's easy, simple fill in the contact form or call us! See the contact page for available contact options.
What are the ongoing costs of a Kinesis cinema solution?
The ongoing costs depend on the number of email subscribers your web site gathers and what additional features you use on your web site. We have created the KICS web site pricing structure to ensure that the ongoing costs are affordable for all cinemas. We will explain all costs clearly in our proposal and quotation.
Do you provide iPhone and Android apps?
Yes! We provide top quality, world-class apps to showcase your cinema brand and help your customers find the information they need from their smart phone.