Features: Overview

Features for all cinemas, large and small

A KICS web site is the best way to help you manage your web site efficiently and without stress. KICS supplies all movie information, including posters and trailers. KICS also helps you promote your cinema online by integrating competitions, membership programs, custom email promotions, facebook pages, twitter feeds, and much more.

Time is money

If you believe the old adage “Time is money”, you’ll love how much money you will save with your KICS web site.

KICS saves you a huge amount of time every week:

  • Our proprietary software imports session times directly from all popular Ticketing Systems, including Venue Master, Showcase, Vista, Hexlan, and others.
  • All movie content is supplied, including posters, photos and trailers.
  • Your regular email newsletter is created and sent automatically each week.
  • If you have a membership club, special emails for birthday’s, expiry and special offers are sent automatically when required.
  • The latest news at your cinema can be automatically posted to your Facebook page and Twitter feed.
  • Competitions are self-running and remove the need to sort through hundreds of emails.
  • Much, much more!
 KICS presents amazing value for money. Not only is your web site modern, informative and professional, it also works to generate ticket sales.