Features: Email Marketing

Targeted Email Campaigns

Email marketing is only useful when your customers enjoy receiving and reading your email communications.

KICS allows you to create a subset of customers based on a number of different criteria:

  • Favourite Cinema (for those with more than one cinema location)
  • Age Group
  • Gender
  • Interest in particular movie genres
  • Have seen a particular movie
  • Have seen more or less than a certain number of movies in a certain length of time
  • Selected Email Group subscriptions (Weekly Newsletter, Special Announcements, Seniors Club, etc)
  • Date of joining
  • Many more
  • Automatic Email Newsletters

    The weekly email newsletter is a fantastic communication tool.

    Your KICS weekly newsletter is the easiest way to maintain contact with your customers and communicate marketing information about your cinema. It includes information about current and future movies, session times, as well as information about current competitions, promotions and discount offers. KICS gathers all of the information from your web site then sends an email to all of your web site subscribers and paid members every week - automatically!

    Email Delivery Statistics

    Keep track of your email newsletter open rates with detailed statistics.

    Your KICS web site tracks every time one of your emails is read by a customer. With this information at your disposal it is easy to understand what content resonate best with your membership.

    Automatic Sending of Important Emails

    In addition to email campaigns, your KICS web site introduces the concept of fully automatic "Just-In-Time" Email services.

    These emails are designed in advanced, but only sent when triggered by a particular event. Examples of events include sending a congratulatory email on a member’s birthday; sending a welcome email when a customer joins your membership program, or sending a membership expiry reminder email shortly before a customer’s club membership expires.

    Write each of these emails just once and they will be sent automatically each day!